Dinghy Sailing

Intro to Dinghy Sailing

3 Hours / $180 + HST

This course is a great way to dip your toes into the world of dinghy sailing. Designed for those with no sailing experience, our instructors will introduce you to the basics of sailing and guide you through your very first on-water sail! Spending three hours on the water in downtown Toronto is the perfect opportunity to get a feel for what dinghy sailing is all about.

Note that certain dinghy maneuvers involve getting wet so bring a change of clothes!

If you decide you would like to further your dinghy sailing skills, you have the opportunity to credit 50% the cost of your Introductory Course to a CANSail 1/2 Course, which you can then use to gain Sail Canada certification.  

Sail Canada Basic Dinghy – CANSail 1/2

24 Hours / $595 + HST

This course teaches and strengthens essential skills - the building blocks of sailing. It is designed for both complete beginners and those wishing to improve their skills. Based on the CANSail 1 and 2 standards, this course is on board our RS Zests and Fevas. This fun and challenging course will introduce fundamental sailing concepts such as direction and balance. 

Note that certain dinghy maneuvers involve getting wet so bring a change of clothes!

Please note: due to the amount of practice required to develop these skills, we cannot guarantee that beginner students will receive both CANSail 1 and 2 in one session. To maximize your chance of gaining both levels, we recommend taking this course again, or booking a private sessions with an instructor.

Independent Dinghy

6 Hours / $195 + HST

This course is designed for students who have completed their CANSail 2 and wish to sail independently, outside of classes. It allows students to get more experience on the water, while also teaching strategies for high wind sailing, self-rescue, and launching and docking in varied wind conditions. Successful competition of this course will allow students to join our club as members or rent our dinghies. 

Note that certain dinghy maneuvers involve getting wet so bring a change of clothes! 

Sail Canada Intermediate Dinghy – CANSail 3/4

28 Hours / $695 + HST

This course is all about speed! Focusing mainly on racing and high-performance sailing, this course builds upon CANSail 1 and 2 skills, and teaches students everything they need to take their sailing to the next level. Students will lean advanced boat handling, boat acceleration, racing fundamentals, sail theory, and so much more. This course is a step up from CANSail 2, students will be required to sail in a variety of weather conditions and reach a high standard of sailing to achieve a level. 

Note that certain dinghy maneuvers involve getting wet so bring a change of clothes! 

Please note: due to the amount of practice required to develop these skills, we cannot guarantee that students will receive both CANSail 3 and 4 in one session. To maximize your chance of success in this level, we recommend students gain additional sailing experience after completing their CANSail 2 before beginning this course.